Thursday, May 28, 2009

We Do Media Projects

A Nebula is an interstellar mass of dust, gas, light, and color. These elements combined create a brilliantly composed act of nature. From it, we draw our company name and philosophy.

We act as Nebulas. We combine elements: sensibility, ingenuity, professionalism, and creative passion.
We write, shoot, and edit. We design. We think and re-think. When we begin a project, all ideas are on the table. Through open dialogue with our clients and immersion into the subject matter we refine raw ideas into cohesive and structured products.

We stimulate and provoke thought by catering each project to its intended audience. We set project goals and work diligently to achieve them.

We utilize new and innovative technology while holding strong to the values and ethics of business.

We focus on the details. We evolve.

We Do Media Projects.