Friday, July 10, 2009

New Grounds Musicians

As we're finishing our info video for PABI, it's been a hard task to find music to score the film. Luckily we came across, a platform for creators to share their work with users.

The contributors to New Grounds participate simply because they love to create and want to share what they've done. We're very lucky to be working with a group of talented musicians to use their work in our video.

Check them out:

SBB - We're using his song "Deep Blur Clouds", an ambient track that creates a cloudy feel.

Reasoner - "A Walk Down the Trail" is a great ambient track with a very cinematic feel.

Aloysius Rexford -
"Sunlight Through Dusty Air" This guy has produced so many great tracks that it was hard to choose just one.

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